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The O’Fallon Public Library provides services to all residents and visitors of O’Fallon, regardless of age, economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. The library is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for everyone.

This policy establishes expectations for behavior in all library spaces, including physical locations, digital platforms, and outreach or offsite events.  Patrons will respect the right of other patrons and library staff to experience a safe and healthy environment while on library property and will do their part to maintain that environment.

Illegal Activities

The library is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all users. As such, any activities or behaviors that violate federal, state, or local laws, ordinances, or regulations are strictly prohibited on library property and at library-sponsored events.

Examples of prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Possession or use of weapons of any kind
  • Engaging in theft, vandalism, or other criminal behavior
  • Conducting or facilitating illegal transactions
  • Engaging in sexual activity
  • Light, maintain, or make use of any fire on library property
  • Engaging in any acts in violation of any federal, state, or local law including any criminal statute or ordinance
  • Intentionally or knowingly by any means cause bodily harm or make physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with another person on library property
  • Sexual harassment, request for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature. As minor patrons may be present or arrive on the library premises at any time, patrons must refrain from viewing pornographic or obscene visual materials

Personal Behavior and Conduct

All library users and staff, while on library premises, have the right to enjoy a library experience that is free from threat, harassment, lewd, or disruptive behavior. To ensure this, library users, must refrain from the following:

  • Substance Use: Using, selling, or being under the influence of drugs, including alcohol and marijuana
  • Tobacco Use: Using tobacco products or substitutes (e.g., e-cigarettes or vaping devices) in the library or within 30 feet of the library’s main entrance
  • Inappropriate Attire: Wearing clothing unsuitable for a public, family-friendly space. Shoes are required.
  • Hygiene and Personal Care: Sleeping, bathing, shaving, or washing clothes on library premises. Strong odors or scents that may disrupt others’ use of the library are also prohibited
  • Solicitation and Gambling: Soliciting for funds or signatures, panhandling, selling goods or services, or gambling of any kind
  • Disruptive Noise: Making unreasonable noise, including speaking loudly, singing, snoring, or playing audio at a noticeable volume with or without headphones
  • Monopolizing Space: Occupying space, seating, tables, or equipment in a way that obstructs access or excludes others
  • Unattended Belongings: Leaving bags or personal items unattended or placing them in ways that block access to aisles, doorways, stairways, walkways, elevators, ramps, or computers. The library is not responsible for lost, stolen, or unattended property
  • Harassment: Harassing, intimidating, or bullying of other patrons or staff including, following, staring, interfering, and other unwelcome verbal and physical conduct


We are committed to ensuring children’s safety and welfare while in the library. However, parents and caregivers are responsible for monitoring the activities and regulating the behavior of their children while in the library. If they fail to do so, library staff may intervene as needed to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all.

  1. All children younger than ten (10) years of age shall be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person (who is at least 16 years of age) at all times
  2. Children over the age of five (5) may attend scheduled library programs without direct supervision; however, a parent or responsible person must remain within the library building and is responsible for the child’s behavior and safety during this time
  3. Children using the library are subject to rules and regulations of the library concerning behavior, conduct and demeanor. Children should not be left at the library in substitution for proper babysitting or day care
  4. If a child under the age of ten (10) is left alone at the library at closing:
    1. Staff will make a reasonable effort to contact a parent or guardian
    2. At least two staff members are required to stay with the child until an authorized adult or law enforcement arrives
    3. If a parent or guardian cannot be reached within 15 minutes after closing, staff may contact the O'Fallon Public Safety Department for assistance
    4. Under no circumstances shall a staff member provide transportation for the child


Related Policies

In addition to the Conduct Policy, the library has other policies that address specific areas of behavior and use of library resources. These include, but are not limited to, policies on Food and Drink, Animals in the Library, and maintaining a Healthy Environment. For more detailed information on these and other policies that may not be covered in the Courteous Conduct Policy, please refer to the full list of library policies as found at


This policy applies to all library users and/or persons on library property. If violations of these rules are observed, please inform a staff member immediately.


It is the responsibility of all library staff and supervisors to understand this policy fully to ensure fair and equitable application. It is the responsibility of the Library Director, with the advice of the Board of Trustees, to interpret, monitor and recommend updates to this policy. The Library Director is the final authority in regard to enforcing this policy.

Policy Violations and Consequences

Violations of this policy may result in immediate removal from library premises, temporary or permanent bans, and/or notification of law enforcement.  Outlined below are the steps involved in issuing such a ban, as well as the reinstatement process:

1. Warnings

When a violation occurs, library staff will issue either a verbal or written warning, depending on the severity of the behavior. Warnings will typically outline the nature of the violation, a reminder of the library’s policies, and any expected corrective behavior.

  • Verbal Warning: Issued for minor violations or when the behavior is addressed promptly
  • Written Warning: Issued for repeated minor violations or more serious incidents, outlining the behavior, potential consequences, and a formal notice of the issue

2. Temporary Bans

If warnings do not result in improvement or if the violation is particularly severe, the individual may face a temporary ban from library premises. First-time temporary bans are typically set for 30 days, though the duration can be adjusted based on the circumstances and severity of the violation. Subsequent bans may be of longer duration, up to one year in length.

  • Bans are implemented at the discretion of the Library Director (or other designee), based on the specific nature of the violation
  • Individuals banned from the library are provided with a written notice, detailing the reason for the ban and the specific policy violated, as well as an approved return date
  • The O’Fallon Police Department may become involved in situations where an individual does not comply with a temporary ban

3. Repeat Offenders and Severe Violations

For repeat offenders or individuals who commit severe violations, the library may extend the ban or, in extreme cases, implement a permanent ban. Decisions regarding repeat offenders will be based on the frequency and severity of the violations.  Violation of suspension terms, such as trespassing on library property or harassing staff, may result in police intervention and criminal prosecution or other legal action. Suspensions may also be extended if a patron violates these terms.

4. Appeal Procedure

A patron who wishes to appeal a suspension may do so by making a written request to the Library Board within 10 days of the date of Notice of Suspension at the library’s address or via email ([email protected]). The Board will offer the patron notice of and a reasonable opportunity to be heard by the trustees concerning information that the patron deems relevant. The Board’s decision on any appeal shall be final.


The O’Fallon Public Library supports intellectual freedom and the right of each person to access information without fear of intimidation. We are committed to protecting each user’s privacy and confidentiality regarding information sought or received, as well as resources consulted, borrowed, acquired, or transmitted.

Privacy Statement

The library will collect only the personal information necessary to provide or improve services. All personal data will reside in a secure electronic environment and will not be shared with unauthorized individuals. While the library takes all precautions, it is not responsible for maintaining the privacy of patrons using external library-linked resources.

Confidentiality of Library Records

In compliance with the Library Records Confidentiality Act (75 ILCS 70/1), all records identifying users and their transactions with the library are confidential. Access to these records is restricted to:

  • Library staff performing their duties
  • Patrons providing identification (i.e. library card, account number, ID matching details on the account)
  • Parents or guardians of minors (under 16) who are associated with the child’s library account
  • Adults with associated accounts
  • Law enforcement with a court order, subpoena, or in case of an emergency where someone’s safety is at risk

No information concerning a patron’s borrowing or usage history will be shared with any third-party, including government agencies, except through legal processes as authorized by law. Library staff are also obligated to report crimes or threats involving library property, staff, or patrons to law enforcement when appropriate.

Under no circumstances shall any library staff member provide information to an unauthorized third-party concerning a patron’s reading, or the nature of substance of their use of library services.  The release of statistical information is permitted provided no individual is identified in the information released. 

Patrons who use third-party services or databases (e.g., library-linked digital resources) are subject to the privacy policies of those services. Similarly, the library uses Google Analytics for website tracking, and patrons using the library’s website are subject to Google’s privacy policies.

The library will not disclose patrons' presence or absence to any third party, including law enforcement, except as required by legal processes, such as court orders or emergencies involving safety.

The Library Director or member of the library's leadership team should be contacted right away if a staff member:

  • is approached with any kind of legal process that is related to the Library
  • is approached by law enforcement asking for patron information
  • is asked for patron information from someone who is not the patron
  • learns that patron information may relate to a crime
  • believes information has been or may be improperly shared
  • has any questions about the policy

Information We Collect

The library may collect the following data from patrons:

  • Name, address, phone number, and email address
  • Library card barcode and usage information (e.g., materials checked out, overdue materials, pending requests)
  • Date of birth
  • Fine history and program sign-up information

Personal information is regularly purged to protect privacy. Records of returned materials are promptly removed, and patrons have the option to enable or disable the tracking of their reading history through their account settings.

Protecting Your Personal Information

To protect your personal information the library will:

  • purge and shred outdated records
  • remove materials checked out from your account once returned
  • only keep a record of your reading history if you choose to turn on this feature through your online account or request a staff member to turn it on for you
  • avoid keeping unnecessary records

Staff Schedule Confidentiality

The library maintains a strict policy against sharing the schedules of coworkers with the public. This protects employee privacy and ensures the security of library operations. Requests for staff schedules from unauthorized parties will not be honored.


Our library is committed to providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for all patrons. To maintain cleanliness, prevent damage to library materials, and ensure the comfort of all visitors, the following guidelines regarding food and drink consumption have been established.

Allowed Items

  • Beverages in cans or covered containers such as travel mugs or bottles with secure lids are permitted.
  • Light, non-messy snacks such as granola bars, crackers, or fruit are allowed, provided they are consumed in a manner that does not disturb others or create a mess.

Restricted Items

  • Hot or messy foods such as soups, stews, pizza, or items with strong odors are not permitted unless part of a library event.
  • Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.
  • Items that could potentially damage library materials, furniture, or equipment are not allowed.

Respect and Courtesy

  • Patrons are responsible for disposing of any waste properly in designated trash receptacles.
  • Any spills must be promptly cleaned up. If you require assistance, please inform a staff member.
  • Patrons are expected to consume food and drink quietly and respectfully, minimizing any disruption to other library users.
  • Be mindful of those with allergies or sensitivities; avoid bringing items that may cause discomfort or allergic reactions to others.


  • Library staff reserve the right to enforce this policy and may ask patrons to dispose of prohibited items or refrain from consuming food and drink in certain areas.
  • Repeat violations of this policy may result in temporary or permanent loss of library privileges.

Purpose and Overview

In order to provide a safe, healthy and welcoming environment to all patrons, we ask that you please respect the safety of staff and other patrons and refrain from entering the library when you are sick or have the following symptoms: fever within the last 24 hours, cough, vomiting, diarrhea and/or sneezing.

Please feel free to engage with online services and resources but if you must visit the library while experiencing these symptoms, please wear a mask to help prevent the spread of illness.


Patrons exhibiting symptoms of illness or health risk to others may be asked to wear a mask or leave the premises. 

Parents of sick children are asked to keep their children at home. If a child becomes ill at the library, the parents will be notified and asked to take their child home.


The O’Fallon Public Library (“the Library”) recognizes that patrons with disabilities may have service dogs that are trained to assist or accommodate a person with a sensory, mental, or physical disability or to perform tasks for the benefit of a disabled individual. The Library recognizes legal rights under federal and state laws regarding use of service dogs. The Library also considers the safety and health of all its patrons, the public, and Library employees to be of utmost priority.


No pets or animals other than service dogs or service dogs in training are allowed in the Library. Owners of pets may be asked to remove them from the Library.  

Individuals with disabilities may bring their service dogs into all areas of the Library where members of the public are normally allowed to go. All service dogs must be under the full custody and control of their handler at all times. Also, all service dogs must be on a leash or harness at all times unless the handler is unable to leash or harness the dog because of a disability or use of a leash or harness would interfere with the dog’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks. If the service dog cannot be leashed or harnessed, it must be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g., voice control, signals, or other effective means). Owners of the service dog are solely responsible for the supervision and care of the service dog. Therefore, owners must keep the service dog directly with them at all times.  

Users of service dogs are not required to show papers or to prove a disability. Service dogs are not required to be licensed or certified by a state or local government or training program, or be identified by a special harness or collar. 

Employees may ask two questions: 

1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?, and 

2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? 

Owners of service dogs or service dogs in training must indicate that they are working dogs and not pets. Terms used may include assistance, service, guide, hearing, or helping dog. Employees may not ask about the owner’s disability.  

A person with a disability may not be asked to remove their service dog or service dog in training from the Library unless the presence, behavior, or actions of the service dog constitute an unreasonable risk of injury or harm to property or other persons, or the dog is disruptive and the owner does not take effective action to control it. In these cases, Library employees must give the person with the disability the option to obtain Library services without having the service dog or service dog in training on the premises. Fear of allergies, annoyance on the part of other patrons or employees, or fear of dogs are generally not valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people with service dogs or service dogs in training.

Background and Definitions

Service Dog 

“Service dogs” are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  

Examples of such work or tasks include: guiding people who are blind; alerting people who are deaf; pulling a wheelchair; alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure; reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications; calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack; or performing other duties.  

Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks. Beginning on March 15, 2011, only dogs are recognized as service animals under Titles II and III of the ADA. 


The term “disability” means, with respect to an individual: 

1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual;  

2. A record of such an impairment; or 

3. Being regarded as having such an impairment. 

If an individual meets any one of these three tests, he or she is considered to be an individual with a disability for purposes of coverage under the ADA.

Exceptions for Library Offerings

Pending approval by the Director or their designee, the Library may have animals in the building as part of its educational and recreational offerings.

Animal Endangerment

The Library does not condone leaving non-service animals outside the Library in a way that may endanger the animal or Library patrons. The Library reserves the right to contact the police regarding any unattended animals on its premises.


The Library is committed to the equitable use of the Library for all its patrons. Any patron who feels their use of the Library has been compromised due to this policy should report grievances to the Director or their designee.

Citations and Related References

i) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Title II, Section 35.136 (Revised September 15, 2010); Beginning on March 5, 2011, only dogs are recognized as service animals under Titles II and III of the ADA.


The O'Fallon Public Library seeks to provide the community with a collection that satisfies its educational, informational and recreational needs through the acquisition and organization of print, audio-visual and electronic resources. 

The Library strives to have an equitable, diverse, accessible, and inclusive collection featuring a wide array of people and cultures to authentically reflect a variety of ideas, information, stories and experiences.  

Children and Teen Materials

The Library provides resources for children and teens in collections that are clearly labeled and separate from the adult collection. 

Selection of resources for the library’s collections will not be inhibited by the possibility that some resources may inadvertently come into the possession of children. Responsibility for the reading, listening and viewing of Library resources for children rest solely with their parents or guardians. 

The library’s collection does not take the place of elementary, middle school, high school or college libraries. It is the responsibility of the public and private schools to supply curriculum resources. The library works cooperatively with schools to supplement and enhance their collections. 

Re-evaluation of Library Materials

Continual evaluation of library holdings is an essential part of collection development. To ensure a vital collection of continued value to the community, resources that are judged by the professional staff to have outlived their usefulness are withdrawn. Decisions for removal are based on diminished circulation, physical condition, usefulness and accuracy. 

Once a resource has been accepted under the Resource Selection Policy, it will not be removed at the request of those who disagree with its inclusion unless it can be shown that retention of the resource would be in violation of that Policy.  

Responsibility for Selection

The Library Board of Trustees has delegated authority and responsibility for the selection of library resources to the Library Director and, under supervision, to the professional librarian staff who are qualified by education, training and experience. The Library Board endorses the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement adopted by the American Library Association, copies of which are attached to this policy. 

Guidelines for Selection

In considering resources for selection, librarians consult professional and peer reviews as well as other credible, evaluative sources. Some resources may be judged primarily on artistic merit, while others are considered because of scholarship, historic value or ability to satisfy the needs of the community. Resources are judged as a whole rather than on isolated passages. 

To build a collection of enduring merit, resources must be measured by numerous and objective criteria. All acquisitions, purchased or donated, are subject to the standards listed below. An individual resource need not meet all of the criteria for acceptance. 

General Criteria: 

  • Relevance, present and potential, to community needs. The library makes a conscious effort to obtain resources pertaining to local matters – civic, cultural, artistic, educational, recreational and historic 

  • Reputation, authority and significance of the author, artist or publisher. No item will be excluded because of the race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, political or doctrinal beliefs or personal history of an author, artist or publisher 

  • The Library seeks content created by and representative of marginalized and underrepresented groups and strives to provided resources in formats that meet the needs of users with disabilities 

  • Topicality or importance of the resource as a document or recording of the times 

  • Attention of critics, reviewers and the public 

  • Relation to the existing collection and other resources on the subject including resources of varying viewpoints 

  • Insight into human and social conditions and relevance to the experiences and contributions of diverse populations 

  • Accuracy and authenticity of scientific or historical fact 

  • Suitability of physical format for library use 

  • Price as a reasonable value for anticipated use 

  • Popular demand 

The Library does not acquire highly specialized or technical resources which can be obtained through nearby institutions, interlibrary loan or accessed electronically. Nor does it acquire special interest publications in fields including, but not limited to, law, engineering, education, and medicine. 

Certain resources are controversial and may offend some library users. Selections are not made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the works in relation to the goals of building and enhancing a collection that serves the diverse interests of the community. While everyone is free to reject titles of which they do not approve for themselves and their children, they cannot restrict the freedom of others to choose what to read, hear, or view. 

The public library does not advocate for the ideas found in its collection; rather, the public library provides a safe haven for those ideas. The selection of any item or resource does not constitute an endorsement of its contents by the library. 

Library resources are not marked or identified by the library to imply or show approval or disapproval of the contents. All resources are kept on open shelves except those that are irreplaceable, duplicate copies, or subject to vandalism or theft. 


If you have concerns about this policy or about an item in the library's collection, please contact Ryan Johnson (Library Director) at [email protected] or 618-206-4342 (direct line).

Purpose and Overview

The Library supports its mission of connecting people with the world of ideas and information by developing and presenting programs that provide additional opportunities for information, learning, and entertainment. Programming is an integral component of library service that:

  • Expands the Library’s role as a community resource
  • Introduces customers and non-users to Library resources
  • Provides entertainment
  • Provides opportunities for lifelong learning
  • Expands the visibility of the library


All Library programs are open to the public. A fee may be charged for certain types of Library programs. The Library’s philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to Library programming, and the library does not knowingly discriminate through its programming.

Registration may be required for planning purposes or when space is limited. Programs may be held on or off site.

Responsibility and Program Selection

Ultimate responsibility for programming at the Library rests with the Director, who administers under the authority of the Board of Trustees. The Director, in turn, delegates the authority for program management to the Youth Services Manager, Adult Services Lead, or their designees.

The Library’s staff use the following criteria in making decisions about program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:

  • Community needs and interests
  • Availability of program space
  • Treatment of content for intended audience
  • Presentation quality
  • Presenter background/qualifications in content area
  • Budget
  • Relevance to community interests and issues
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events
  • Relation to Library collections, resources, exhibits and programs

In addition, the Library draws upon other community resources in developing programs and actively partners with other community agencies, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored public programs. Professional performers and presenters that reflect specialized or unique expertise may be hired for Library programs; performers and presenters will not be excluded from consideration because of their origin, background, or views, or because of possible controversy. Library staff who present programs do so as part of their regular job and are not hired as outside contractors for programming.

Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants, and program topics, speakers and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy.

Programs are not used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes or the solicitation of business.


If you have concerns about this policy or about an event on the library's calendar, please contact Ryan Johnson (Library Director) at [email protected] or 618-206-4342 (direct line).


Library displays support the library’s mission by providing opportunities for patrons to access materials for education, information, and recreation.  The O’Fallon Public Library’s goal is to provide displays that highlight the collection and inform the public on a variety of topics and viewpoints.   This policy provides a framework for the selection of such display topics. 

Display Guidelines

Library displays are planned, curated, and implemented by library staff.  While any item in the library’s collection can be utilized for purposes of a display, library staff use a set of criteria to determine which topics to promote and which materials are selected.  The Library strives to include a wide variety of relevant topics and viewpoints, as well as offer displays that appeal to a range of ages, interests, and informational needs. 

Criteria may include, but are not limited to:

  • Seasonal holidays
  • Periods of recognition (i.e. Black History Month)
  • Community needs and interests
  • Current events
  • Genre focus
  • Recommended Reads

Duration and Location

Displays are typically up for two-months at a time. This time frame allows the public ample time to engage with the display and it saves staff time with setup and teardown. 

The Library has numerous designated locations for displays.  Each location can accommodate a varying number of items.  Displays are assigned to these locations with their size and scope in mind, as well as the intended target audience.  Some recurring displays (i.e. Halloween) can scale up or down in order to fit different locations within the library. 

Responsibility for Selection

Library staff or community members may suggest a display topic, however, the curation and approval of such displays is at the discretion of the Library Director or their designee. 

Purpose and Overview

The purpose of this policy is to establish the scope and limitations of filming and photography within the library, at library events, and on library grounds.

Filming and photography are permitted in and around the O’Fallon Public Library facilities under the conditions described herein, only to the extent that it does not interfere with the operation, programs, activities, and mission of the Library.

Permission is not required for taking photographs or videos in public areas of the Library building for personal, noncommercial use if no tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment is used. Any person desiring to bring in professional recording equipment, including but not limited to tripods, lights, or other specialized recording equipment must follow the procedures set forth in the next section. However, there may be Library locations and/or exhibition areas where the taking of photographs or videos is restricted or prohibited (i.e., restrooms, rooms reserved for nursing, childcare areas). Taking photographs or videos of, or in, areas reserved for staff use only is also prohibited. Persons taking photographs and videos shall not:

  1. compromise a patron or staff member’s right to privacy (this includes but is not limited to a prohibition on taking videos or photographs of the Patron Hold Shelf and Staff Computer Screens)
  2. harass, intimidate, or threaten a patron or staff member
  3. block library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors or exits

Library Photography, Videos and Recording

The Library may take photos, videos, and audio recordings at the Library and during Library events to use in its publicity materials and on its website and social media sites. The Library reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of the Library building and grounds (including on any library website or social media site). To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent, or legal guardian. Any individual that does not wish the Library to use a photograph or video of them or their child should inform a Library staff member prior to or while such photographs or videos are being taken.

Right Subject to Compliance with Policy

The Library reserves the right to ask any individual or group violating this policy to cease the taking of photographs, videos, or recording sessions.

Library Video Surveillance

The Library uses security cameras, both within and outside the facility, to enhance the physical security of the Library, its property, staff, and users. Video recordings are retained in accordance with the Local Records Act. Video recordings may be subject to release if permitted by Illinois law, subject to any confidentiality protections.

If you have questions, concerns or complaints regarding the Library’s handling of your privacy and confidentiality rights, please contact the Director.

Commercial or Media Filming/Photography

The Library may permit the use of its facilities for taking commercial photographs or videos if, in the discretion of the Director, the commercial photographs or videos does not interfere with the mission of the Library and is in accordance with the rest of this policy. No commercial or media photography may occur in the Library facilities without the prior written permission and approval of the Director. Prior permission must be sought and granted at least one week in advance of any commercial photography or videos. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial or media photography/filming will take place and address the rights to ownership of the photos/films. The Library reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to deny use of recording equipment, and will determine where any permitted recording equipment is allowed in the space. The Library will not assume any liability for the damage/destruction of any equipment brought in by a person, group, or their audio/video engineers.

Exterior Photography and Videos

Taking photographs and videos outside of the Library building and/or of the library grounds does not require permission. However, the activity must not impede the ingress or egress of patrons or staff to or from the Library buildings and must not violate any person’s right to privacy.

Photography and Videos of Materials and Resources

The Library permits the taking of photographs and videos of its publicly-available collections. However, patrons are solely responsible for obtaining consent or other permission when taking photographs or videos of copyrighted materials.


Persons involved in taking photographs or videos are solely liable for any injuries to persons or property that result from their activities on Library property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.

Library Board Meetings

Pursuant to Section 120/2.05 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), any person may record the proceedings of the Library Board and other meetings required by the Act to be open to the public. The recordings may be made by tape, film or other means and shall not disrupt the meeting or create a safety hazard.


O'Fallon Public Library cardholders do not accrue fines for overdue items!

The O'Fallon Public Library no longer charges cardholders a daily overdue fine for items returned late. Under this policy, items can be checked out for their standard loan period and, if eligible, renewed a number of times. Library cardholders are responsible for returning or renewing items to prevent their library card from being blocked.

You will receive a notification when your library materials are ten (10) days and twenty (20) days overdue to alert you that you must return or renew them. When materials are thirty (30) days overdue the library considers the items lost and will invoice you for the cost of the items and any applicable processing fees. Your library card will be blocked at this point, preventing you from renewing or checking out items. If you return the item in good condition, the replacement fee and processing fee will be waived.  These fees become non-cancellable if the items are not returned within ninety (90) days of being overdue.


What happens if an item is not returned, returned damaged, or is lost?
If materials are 30 days overdue, the library will block the account and issue an invoice to the patron for the cost of the item(s). You will be unable to renew or check out any items, including digital content.

You will have 30 days to return the item or pay the replacement fee.  If you return the item, the replacement cost and the processing fee will be waived. If you have lost or damaged item, you must pay the replacement cost and the processing fee. Refunds will not be made for lost items found after the replacement cost is paid.

When an item is over 90 days overdue the replacement cost becomes non-cancellable.

Can I purchase a replacement for a damaged or lost item?
No. Replacement costs and processing fees must be paid for each lost or damaged item. We do not accept replacement items in lieu of payment.

Will I be notified if an item is overdue?
Yes. You will receive notices when an item is 10 days and 20 days overdue.


The O’Fallon Public Library is locally funded by property taxes paid by persons who live or own property within the library's taxing area. If you live or own real estate within this area, your taxes support the library and a card can be issued at no charge. This is known as a Resident Card.  Resident cards are good for three years. 

If you live outside the O’Fallon city limits and do not fall under another public library's taxing area, you can purchase a Non-Resident Card.   Non-Resident fees are calculated using a tax bill method.  If you own your home, the fee is determined by the following formula:  Cost = Net Taxable Value x Library's Current Tax Rate.  If you are a renter, the annual fee is simply one-tenth of your monthly rent.

Non-residents may also qualify for a library card via one of the provisions below. 

You can learn more about getting a card on our How Do I? page.

Cards for Kids

Persons under the age of 18 who live outside the library’s taxing area and do not fall under another public library’s taxing area now qualify for a free non-resident library card if their residence is in the taxing area for O’Fallon District 90, O’Fallon Township High School District 203, or Central School District 104. 

There is no minimum age to obtain a card. Persons under the age of 16 may obtain a card with the permission of a parent or legal guardian. Persons age 16 and older are eligible to obtain a card without a parent if a valid ID and proof of residency are provided. 

These cards are made possible by the Cards for Kids Act (Public Act 101-632) and the Expanded Cards for Kids Act (Public Act 102-0843), as well as the support of the Library’s Board of Directors. 

Cards for City Employees

The purpose of this policy is to offer a free library card to any employee of the City of O’Fallon who would otherwise qualify for a non-resident card and who does not already have a card with another public library within the state.

Non-resident cards are good for one year from the time of issuance. Additional cards may be issued to other persons residing at the address of the employee. All normal residency and identification requirements for card creation apply, in addition to proof of employment by the City of O’Fallon.

A non-resident is defined as "an individual residing in Illinois whose principal residence is not within a public library service area" [23 Ill. Adm. Code 3050.10].

Cards for Disabled Veterans

Disabled veterans can qualify for a free non-resident library card through the Homestead exemption for Veterans (35 ILCS 200/15-169 (b-3) (3)). This benefit is available to veterans with a service-connected disability of 70 percent or more who are Illinois residents but live outside a library’s taxing area. This benefit can be claimed at the public library nearest their residence.   

To qualify, veterans must provide proof of their disabled status, through documentation such as a VA disability award letter or St. Clair County property tax information. 


The O’Fallon Public Library is pleased to offer individuals, groups, or organizations the opportunity to display their artwork/exhibits.  This policy is intended to encourage equitable access to artists in the O’Fallon area.

Goals of the Exhibits

  • To support community education, cultural and artistic activities
  • To encourage individuals to contribute to the appreciation of the arts
  • To broaden horizons by presenting a wide range of art, collections or displays
  • To nourish intellectual, aesthetic and creative growth
  • To reach non-traditional library patrons

Selection of Exhibits

All exhibits, whether generated by the public or the library staff will be considered in terms of the criteria listed below. Responsibility for the selection of exhibits resides with the Art Review Committee consisting of the Library Director and at least two other appointed individuals. The library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single display.  In presenting exhibits, the library does not imply endorsement of the beliefs or viewpoints of the subject matter.  The library endeavors to present a broad spectrum of opinions and a variety of viewpoints. The following categories will be considered when approving exhibits:  

  • Artist’s original work
  • Suitability of subject matter for the full range of library visitors, including children
  • Quality of the presentation
  • Local, regional, or historical or interest
  • Appropriateness to special events, anniversaries, holidays, etc.
  • Relation to other events or exhibits in the community
  • Representation of an influential movement, genre, trend, or national culture
  • Space requirements and ease of installation

Some examples of items that may be exhibited include two-dimensional pieces and small three-dimensional works of art.  Large scale pieces are not suitable for library spaces and may present operational challenges.

Applying for Exhibit Space

All potential exhibitors must complete a display application to be submitted to the Art Review Committee. Decisions of the Art Review Committee are final.

Exhibits are scheduled for at least one month by the Library Director after review and approval by the Art Review Committee. Individuals using the Library’s exhibit spaces may not install their works prior to the dates on which their space reservations begin. Previously selected artists may apply again, although only one application from any artists will be considered at any given time. 

Exhibitors should recognize that the Library is a public building used by a large number of people. Neither the City of O’Fallon nor the O’Fallon Public Library will be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur during setup and removal or during the time the exhibit is displayed.

Each artist is responsible for hanging his/her own work and taking down the same when the exhibit has ended. The artist must schedule the installation and removal date and time with the Library Director. Artists who fail to remove items on or before the specified date will not be allowed exhibit space in the future. Costs incurred by the O’Fallon Public Library for dismantling and/or storage of exhibits will be borne by the artist/exhibitor.

Exhibits must conform to the space restrictions of the exhibit areas provided.

The O’Fallon Public Library does not allow solicitation or selling of items in the library. Art may be purchased directly from the artist but only outside the library. The artist’s name and contact information may be made available. No price tags may be affixed to the works exhibited or pricing lists distributed in the library. Brief information about the work may be displayed alongside the work.  Such information should be typed and be no larger than 3 inches by 5 inches. 

The Library Board of Trustees may amend this policy whenever it deems appropriate and in response to changing conditions.


The O’Fallon Public Library utilizes various social media applications to keep the public informed about library events and topics. This also allows O’Fallon Public Library patrons to interact with library staff and other patrons to share information and opinions about library-related subjects or issues. The library’s social media sites are maintained and monitored by designated library staff.

Comments and postings from the public are allowed but will be reviewed by library staff for content. Appropriate comments and postings must be relevant to the topic posted by library staff. Library staff reserves the right to review all comments and postings and delete inappropriate content. Inappropriate content includes (but is not limited to):

  • Obscene, sexist, or racist content.
  • Harassing library staff or other social media users.
  • Libelous and slanderous statements.
  • Plagiarizing or posting copyrighted material without permission or authority.
  • Private, personal information of another person without appropriate consent or authority.
  • Comments, postings, and/or hyperlinks not related to the topic of the posting.
  • Commercial promotion, advertisement, or spam.
  • Photos or other images that fall in any of the above categories.

O’Fallon Public Library is not responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber or user of its social media sites.

By choosing to comment and/or utilize O’Fallon Public Library social media sites, users agree to these rules.


The O’Fallon Public Library provides free public access to computers and the Internet in accordance with its mission to provide information of all types in a wide range of formats. The Computer Use Policy affirms the principles of intellectual freedom, equity of access, and confidentiality of information about library users and their use of electronic resources.

By logging onto a library computer, you agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions:

Appropriate Use

  • Library computers are provided for educational, informational, and recreational purposes. All users must respect the intended use of these resources.
  • Users must comply with all local, state, and federal laws. Illegal activities, including but not limited to hacking, illegal downloading, and viewing or distributing obscene material, are strictly prohibited.
  • Users must respect the privacy and rights of others. Viewing or displaying content that may be considered offensive or inappropriate in a public setting is not permitted.
  • In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Library uses filters to help screen out material that is obscene (as defined by federal law), child pornography (as defined by federal law), or harmful to minors.  Filters may inadvertently block access to sites providing valid information.  Library staff do not have the ability to temporarily remove or adjust filters. 
  • Headphones are required when listening to audio content. Patrons needing to speak with someone online (such as Zoom) should checkout a Chromebook and utilize one of the Library’s Study Rooms.


  • Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. A waitlist may be required during high-demand periods.
  • Anyone with a valid library card may use the computers.  Those without a valid library card can acquire a free Guest Pass from the Adult Services Help Desk.
  • Computers in the Hub (Teen Room) are available only to those between the ages of 12-18. These computers are not intended to supplement the Adult Services computers for older or younger patrons.
  • There are no age limits for computer use, but children aged nine (9) years or younger shall be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person at all times.
  • Parents and caregivers, not Library staff, are responsible for supervising their children’s internet use. 

Session Length

  • Computer sessions vary in length based on the user-type:
    • O’Fallon Public Library Card: 4 hours
    • Other Consortium Public Library Card: 2 hours
    • Guest Pass: 1 hour
  • Extensions may be granted if no other users are waiting.
  • Sessions end automatically 5 minutes prior to closing.
  • Sessions end automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity (to prevent this, lock your session when stepping away)

Data Safety and Privacy

  • The library cannot guarantee the security of personal information transmitted over the internet. Users are encouraged to use caution when entering personal data.
  • Computers automatically reboot and wipe user data including downloads, browser history, etc. at the end of a session.  For added security, users should log out of all accounts and close all applications before ending their session.
  • The library is not responsible for any damage or loss of data arising from the use of its computers. Users are advised to save their work frequently and use external storage devices when necessary.
  • The library will not release information on the use of specific resources by users except as required by law.

Assistance and Support

  • Library staff are available to provide basic assistance with computer use and troubleshoot common issues. However, they cannot offer extensive technical support or personal tutoring.
  • Staff are not available to provide extended document editing services or to type forms for patrons.
  • Because various services are offered in the adult services area, when there are many patrons who require assistance, patrons may need to wait, depending on staff availability.
  • For more complex technical issues or specific program inquiries, users may be referred to external resources or community programs that offer specialized assistance.

Consequences of Misuse

  • Library staff have the authority to enforce these rules and may intervene if any user is not following the policy.
  • Violation of this policy may result in loss of computer privileges, library access, and, if applicable, legal action.